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Home » Centre for DEAF Children

Centre for DEAF Children

Deaf Education and Arts for African Families and The Desanto Centre for the Deaf are one and the same.

Lisa Zahra writes:
I started this project in 2002, and have been volunteering as founder/director ever since. and we are on Facebook as well.

We now have 27 Deaf students ranging from ages 5-25. We feed them breakfast and lunch, give them uniforms, shoes, transport back and forth and a free education. They learn everything their hearing counterparts learn. The only difference is , we use sign language to teach.

We are trying to have a workshop for our Deaf Adults, so they can learn a trade. We will have professional tailors, carpenters, welders, mechanics, and electricians come and teach our students, giving them a valuable education in order they will start their own business, which will help support their families, at the same time, giving back to the community.

I want to thank you and The Zambian Gems so very much for helping us with your generous donation. As soon as we are up and running with this workshop, we shall send you some photos. Feel free to browse our webpage at for updates. I am very excited to continue the dream and feel very fortunate you are in my life.

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